
As most category listings on this site, this page will be a work in progress for a while.

Facing questions and criticism, Fu Ping and her team has adopted the strategy of labeling the critics as sponsored by the Chinese government, a smear campaign, and so on.

This page documents the accusations made by her camp in the categories of

  • Broken: accusations that are proven to be wrong
  • Bent: accusations that are proven to be intentionally misleading, etc.

Broken Accusations

(more to come...)

Bent Accusations

(stay tuned...)


  1. Excerpt re: Bend, Not Break, from:

    Ghosts of the Cultural Revolution return to haunt modern China with memories of Mao
    By: Clifford Coonan in Beijing, Irish Times
    Tue, Feb 26, 2013

    The sensitivity that surrounds the era was highlighted recently with the debate over Bend, Not Break, a memoir by the Chinese-born US businesswoman Ping Fu.

    Disputed account

    Her book contained details about the time that many dispute, and she has conceded that some events in the book, such as being forced to watch a teacher “quartered by four horsemen on the soccer field”, were untrue.

    However, she stands by her accusations of widespread sexual abuse at the time, including her own gang rape aged 10, and female infanticide.

    Ms Fu has conceded the book needs tightening up, but said the wave of online criticisms amounts to a sustained assault that has parallels with the denunciations and abuse she suffered as a child.


  2. In following article, Ping Fu even said that the attack is "Internet Terrorism"

  3. See:

    Bend Not Break
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    Ode to Sylvester Stallone, a famous action hero, in his Rambo days,
    a large, muscular man with dark hair and,
    of course, an asymmetrical face;
    just back from his Vietnam tour of duty,
    dutifully he serve our country, reminiscing his Asian days.

    Santa Fe was an artistic city, second home to Hollywood stars.
    There was a Chinese restaurant, somewhere in New Mexico,
    where Ping Fu earned her way;
    Linda Evans, John Wayne, and Miles Davis all came to her restaurant,
    Each of these three served with a cup of tea, indeed,
    Served by Perfectly Ping, a foreign student from China, in need.

    Yes, John Wayne, who passed away in 1979, was there,
    Perfectly Ping said, even though 1984 was the year she came;
    May his soul rest in peace, and find his place in Santa Fe,
    In the middle of nowhere, which used to be America's Wild West.
    "I didn't know who any of these people were", Perfectly Ping recalled,
    "So my boss often assigned me to wait on them.
    Three cups of tea she served John Wayne, was not starstruck, no autograph was asked.

    One night, a muscular man with dark hair and an asymmetrical face,
    Walked into her restaurant, with both of his enormous hands.
    R-A-M-B-O was his name-o, Sylvester Stallone to be exact, she was later told.
    The boss told me to serve him.....(clap, clap, clap)
    R-A-M-B-O was his name-o, or Sylvester Stallone, later she wrote.

    She approached the table. "What would you like to drink?"
    A virtuous Chinese women, politely she asked.

    The man said nothing, but startled her by reaching around,
    With his hands, the right one being an enormous one,
    and grabbing her rear end with his right hand, she wrote,
    what he did with the left one, she does not recall.
    Without hesitating for a second, Perfectly Ping slapped Rambo on the cheek, hard.
    Then she gasped, "What had I done? Surely the boss would fire me"
    What she did to Rambo was insolent behavior;
    What Rambo did, oh boy, was for the glory of his country.

    The man sat quietly for a heartbeat, staring her straight in the eyes.
    "Does she know kung fu? Is she daughter of Bruce Lee?" perhaps he pondered.
    Rediscovering his early childhood faith, remembering
    That a Catholic priest said, This is the Gospel according to St. Matthews:
    But I tell you, do not resist an evil person.
    If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also
    Then he laughed and said, in an old-fashioned gentlemen's way, "DO IT AGAIN."

    "Do it again?" she asked; "Please, Thank You, Help," she said.
    She raced back to the kitchen, Chinese mentality still in her head,
    still convinced that she would lose her job.
    But everyone who had witnessed the event was cheering.
    "Ping, you slapped Rambo!"
    They squealed with delight. Yes, "Squeal" was the word she used,
    to describe the background voice of Chinese American men.
    Even the Boss, who had followed to the back room, was chuckling.
    "Good job. Keep your tips. Business will be good," the Boss said.
    The customer, they told her, was Sylvester Stallone, a famous action hero.

    This was a true Gospel, according to her Holy Bible,
    Life is a Mountain Range, or Bend, Not Break, is just a name.

    Upward, like a Bamboo, she grew.
    No longer waitressing. Instead, she is advising.
    Successful, powerful, Barak Obama's advisor she became.
    Transgression of Rambo's youthful days she recorded,
    But no apology from Rambo until today.
    "To err is human; to forgive, divine," a Romantic Realist said,
    Wondering what Rambo, a Roman Catholic, would say.
    But other American women still has something to say,
    "Older, wiser, Rambo, DON'T DO IT AGAIN."
    An apology is requested, for your behavior to a woman,
    no matter from where she came, and
    regardless of where two of you might have met.
