Monday, February 25, 2013

About This Site

Many people have spoken up.

At Amazon, in online forums, at comment sections of every media report that still allows commenting, people are speaking up with passion, sadness, and anger. They surprised Fu Ping and her publisher who saw their book sales suddenly tanking. They embarrassed elite media personalities who chose to be Fu Ping's uncritical cheerleaders. They shocked the world... no, that did not happen. "The world" simply hasn't caught up to this new social phenomenon.

That's because these people were normally invisible, as they still are. For the most part, they are middle-aged professionals who were born in China and grew up in her tumultuous years. They have left their home country decades ago and settled into comfortable lives abroad, mostly in the United States of America. They actually fit into the prevailing stereotypes of Chinese-Americans: diligent, industrious, risk-averse and never a trouble-maker. 

When Fu Ping, one of their own, published her autobiography and conducted numerous media interviews telling a life story that is not only foreign but outlandish to them, however, they could no longer keep their silence. No, you are lying. They said.

Fu Ping perhaps made her second biggest mistake in launching a media blitz attacking them as a part of conspiracy sponsored by the Chinese government, "a smear campaign," and lately, "internet terrorism." She and her cohorts labeled them "Chinese Nationalists," questioning their citizenship and loyalty. It did not help when most of the elite media fell in line behind her, displaying their ignorance, arrogance, and racist attitudes for the whole world to see.

But the quiet Chinese-Americans have spoken up. They are not going back to their silence and "polite manner." They live in a country that values freedom and honesty. They can no longer tolerate lies in the name of political correctness.

They have joined forces with their compatriots all over the world to analyze, research, and document the facts and fictions in Fu Ping's story. They exhibit a kind of independent and critical thinking that puts many of those "investigative journalists" who had previously covered Fu Ping's story to a great shame. 

But most importantly, with their unique grass-root challenge to the elite western media, the Chinese-American community is finding her own voice, at last.

This site intends to be an archive of this historical happening.


  1. Great job. I was just able to do the same. The domain name I considered is though. :)

    1. Thanks. I considered a few similar alternatives but concluded that it's a bad taste to put someone's name in the domain or title. :)

  2. Great Job ! -- one of the silent majority

  3. This comment was posted at Amazon:

    ...You need to SHOW YOUR FACES; you must be as UN-anonymous as possible.

    Ping Fu's photo always accompanies her defenses. She looks adorable; she looks innocent. Can you blame Americans for wanting to believe her, when we see her adorable face, but we don't see yours?

    Whether or not Ping Fu ever admits she lied (if she has a mental condition of being a pathological liar, she will never admit it), the critics of Ping Fu were portrayed in Daily Beast articles as anonymous "Chinese cyber-warriors" with bad English, robotic and faceless, working in some Chinese cyber-fortress.

    This is a powerful stereotype, because everyone is afraid of Chinese cyber-war right now (with some justification.)

    OK, it is ridiculous to compare "cyber-war" to criticizing authors' falsehoods on Amazon! Yes, that is ridiculous, I know. But you must consider the most efficient way to fight the stereotype of the anonymous, faceless robot maybe holed up in a Chinese cyber-fortress.

    Yes, I admit some Americans, British etc. are prejudiced against Chinese, which is worse now because of the fear of cyber-war. But, the average American finds it hard to dislike Chinese people if they have to look them in the face.

    Now everyone sees Ping Fu's adorable face, but who sees yours? Who knows where you live or what your job is?

    So, to level the playing field, you should POST PHOTOS OF YOURSELVES and name the cities where you live and what you do for a living.

    Maybe you can post photos of yourselves at this website, []. The point is you have to post photos of yourselves somewhere, to level the playing field with Ping Fu.

    If you have photos of yourself standing in front of a US or Canadian landmark [Statue of Liberty, Yosemite etc.], so much the better. Leave your kids out of it, for safety reasons.

    Make those people who call you "hackers", "cyber-warriors" etc. look you in the face when they call you that. If you're looking someone in the face, it's not so easy.

    1. My picture is on my profile page, not much to see though. :)

  4. Great effort! Please keep the tone as objectively as possible. Name calling, degrading comments and ridicules only defeat our purpose.

  5. eddie,

    Great effort! Thanks to get our voices heard! Please don't forget to add the "period police" and the "kidnap" stories.

    And how can we help?

  6. Thank you so much for the website.

  7. Here is the discussion board in the San Francisco Bay Area Chinese communities, "The Legend" of Ping Fu's Life (傅苹的“人生传奇”):

  8. Well written preamble. Truly reflect the mood of many of the reviewers and their resentment towards being represented by a hyped up 'migrant success story' that's based on fabrication and sensationalization of a difficult period of our history.

    They're launching the book in Australia this month. The media here is gearing up for it.
