Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Questionable Fact: Deng Xiaoping's Help in Fu Ping's Release

The Original Story:
This is not in the book of Bend, Not Break, but Fu Ping told an amazing story of her release from arrest in an interview at Authors at Google:
At the time, Deng Xiaoping has already taken over China. Cultural Revolution was over. So this was embarrassment for the new government and I got into trouble and was thrown in jail. But it was only 3 days. I was lucky that Deng Xiaoping has asked what happened to the reporter. They said, "Well, we threw her in jail." And he said, "Why? This is not Cultural Revolution any more." But he didn't give any other instructions so nobody knew what to do with me. I was let out. 
The Debunking:
This one is actually difficult to debunk as we cannot verify it with Deng Xiaoping himself. Given that this is already the author's second close encounter with that supreme leader of China, one has to wonder why she did not include this fascinating story in her book itself. Could it be that it's simply too good to be true, even for herself?

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