Sunday, May 5, 2013

Document: University of New Mexico Responses on Fu Ping

Upon inquiries by Albert Wang, University of New Mexico has provided the following responses regarding Fu Ping's study at that school:

From: Judi Halpern
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 5:19 PM
To: Albert Wang
Subject: RE: Ping Fu, a student enrolled at The University of New Mexico, Albuqurque, from September 1984 to July 1986
Mr. Wang,

This is what I can tell you we have a student by the name of Ping Fu with a birth year of 1958.  This student attended the University of New Mexico as an undergraduate student.  The studet was a transfer student who started as a junior in the Fall 1984.  The student attended UNM up to the Summer 1986.  I find no evidence that the student graduated with a bachelor or any other degree from UNM.  I have no evidence that the student transferred to UC San Diego.  You will need to confirm that with them.

If you have further questions, please let me know.

Good Day,


Judi Halpern
Grade Petition Coordinator/
Athletic Admissions Specialist
University of New Mexico
Records & Registration
MSC11 6325
1155 University Blvd. SE
Albuquerque, NM  87106
Phone: (505) 277-7736
Fax: (505) 277-6809

From: Maureen McGuire
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2013 3:39 PM
To: Albert Wang
Cc: Agnes Thomas ; Michele Huff ; Judith Halpern
Subject: Re: FW: Ping Fu, a student enrolled at The University of New Mexico, Albuqurque, from September 1984 to July 1986
Mr Wang -

The directory information indicates that she entered UNM as an undecided undergraduate student.  She declared Computer Science as her major in Spring, 1986 and earned 48 credit hours at UNM.  UNM accepted 60 credit hours transferred from other institutions towards the degree for a total of 108 earned credit hours.

Maureen McGuire

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