Monday, July 15, 2013

Document: Fu Ping's Resume for her NSF Grant Applications

Albert Wang has obtained, through the Freedom of Information Act, a copy of Fu Ping's resume included in her applications for National Science Foundation grants.

As we can see in this copy, Fu Ping has made claims that

  1. She had earned a BA of Chinese Literature from Suzhou University in 1982, which she has since admitted to be incorrect but has blamed others for the mistake.
  2. She served as a Lecturer at Nanjing Aeronautical Institute from 1982 to 1983, a period that she had claimed to be under house arrest while waiting to be deported following her research of female infanticide.
  3. She had a publication titled Two Minutes Stories, in China in 1988, when in fact that was a book of children's stories she translated from its English version.

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